IPL(Intense pulsed light) is a system that uses focused-broad spectrum light.
it is easy, painless, safe and appropriate for the healthy living criteria of scientific circles.

Areas of usage;

  • Treatment of capillary(Once a week)
  • Skin rejuvenation(Once a week)
  • Pigmentation(Once a week)
  • Brest lift(Once a week)
  • Epilation(Once in 3 or 4 weeks)


Lasers with a wavelength of 810 nm are called diodes(ironing ice laser).
Diode has the ability to treat deeper than other lasers.
Can be used on all skin types and all seasons.
In epilation applications, the light reaching the hair root without harming the skin does not harm the body.
It is a painless and efficient laser.

The articles on our website are prepared to inform you, does not replace treatment. Unconscious pratices based on information on internet can lead to serious health problems. PLEASE consult a doctor to manage your treatment.