Leech therapy is accepted as a scientific treatment today. This treatment being implemented from 15th century. This treatment was used by Babylonians, Egyptians and Indians. This treatment is applied which acupuncture areas disturbed. its effectiveness while sucking the blood of the body provides its secretion. This secretion contains the active substance more than 100. Some of these antiagregant, fibrinolytic, analgesic, antirheumatic, antibacterial, antihypertensive, modulatthe immune response etc. Which is recommended in cases of leech therapy? - embolism - rheumatism - dermatologicdisorders (eczemaetc.) - migraine - meniere'sdisease - glaucomal - non-healing wound - asthma - hypertension - adiposity - surgery scar Medical leeches are being destroyed after being used once. leech therapy is made in the control of medical doctor. It is safe and painless. The number of leeches to be used depends on the patient's age, weight, and disease. After therapy is recommended resting and consume the liquid. A lot of Turkish people has known this therapy from their ancestors.

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