The autonomic nervous system is like a network system covering our entire body. Neural therapy is application of the needle to certain points in order to heal the body, make it have a healthy balance and supplying anti aging. The needle is applied to the points. Procaine or lidocaine as local anesthetic used. The most preferred procaine obtained from nettle and bitter almonds is a natural substance. This treatment system has no known side effects. CIRCUMSTANCES THAT NEURAL THERAPY ARE EFFECTIVE; •MIGRAINE • HEADACHES • TYRIGAMINAL NEURALGY • FIBROMYALGIA • NECK-BEL-BACK PAIN •CALCIFICATION • IN ALL NEURRALGIES • dizziness (vertigo) • Tinnitus (Tinnitus) • MENIERE DISEASE • FACE PALS (FACIAL PARALYSIS) • CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (WRIST NERVE JAM) •IRREGULAR PERIOD • EARLY MENOPOSIS • TROID DISEASE • SURGERY TRACES • KNEE-SHOULDER PAIN • ANTIAGING

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