It is the use of medical ozon in a steam room. This is a aingle-seater cabin sauna that has its own humidity, heat and ozon adjustment gauge which the patient takes his/her head out. The patient is placed into the cabin and the contact between the skin and the ozon is provided. It is recommended not to have a shower afterwards for an average of two hours. Why? The ozon have to be soaked up by the skin till the body heat goes to normal values. Ozonic Steam Room benefits, - detoxicative - accelerating circulatory system - cachexia (loss of weight) - Renal function support - increases body resistance - to activate the hormone system - unwind, invigorative - pain reliever - disinfection - anti-ageing - cellulitis troubleshooting - stress relieving - brain development - reduce psychological complaints When to use, - vasomotor disorders - rheumatism pains, diarthrosis pain, myalgia, arthritis - chronic fatigue syndrome, stress - peripheral nerve diseases, migraine - cellulite treatment - adiposity and obesity - disk hernia (cervical discal hernia, herniated disc) - non-healing wound - cholesterol, diabetes - herpes, shingles Ozone sauna can be applied to all even healthy ones. In order to stay healthy and fit. It is a complementary therapy. Our doctors will decide on the duration of use.