Ozone consists of three oxygen atom and that is a chemical compound. It was discovered by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1840. Another name of medical ozone which ozone is used for treatment is in the form of pure oxygen and pure ozone.
The features and the effects of ozone,
- prevents the growth of bacteria, fungicide and virus
- Increases blood stream
- Increases body resistance
implementation methods,
- majorautohemotherapy: the blood is returned to the patient which has been taken from the patient after exposed to ozone. 
- minorautohemotherapy: exposed to ozone which blood taken from the patient after that is injected into the enclosure.
- External Treatment: ozone is given in bags to body parts in a closed system.
- Rectal use: The probe is the implementation of ozone into rectum.
- Intra-articular use: direct delivery of ozone which is to be implementation to the neoarthrosis.
When to use,
- arterial circulatory abnormalities
- cerebral circulatory abnormalities 
- supportive care for cancer patient
- infections (influenza)
- autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chron etc.)
- rheumatic diseases
- chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome
- arthritis
- macular degeneration
- migraine
- dysmetabolic syndrome (diabetic, hyperlipidemia etc.)
- Anti-ageing 
- asthma and emphysema
- immune activation
- seniledemance
- geriatrics
- chron disease
- dermatologic disorders (vitilligo, psoriasis)
- acne, atopic, dermatitides, cellulite etc.  
 - Hepatitis (hepatitis B or C)
- zoster
- herpes simplex
- proctitis, colitis
- diabetic foot
- non-healing wound
- anal fistula
- otitis media
Doctors decided to which treatments will be used? , How often? and How much dose? 
it recommended 2 or 3 sessions per week and in totals 12 sessions.
The articles on our website are prepared to inform you, does not replace treatment. Unconscious pratices based on information on internet can lead to serious health problems. PLEASE consult a doctor to manage your treatment.