Detox is cleaned of toxins in the body. Toxins are substances with the ability of damaging the body. These substances enter the body from food, drink, air or skin. These toxins polluted air, cigarettes, detergents, alcohol, toxic metals.
Detox programs are aimed at reducing stress and it include the use of physical and mental relaxation techniques with detox diet.
In principle detox diet,
- to eat the right foods to run natural detoxification mechanisms of the body (liver, lung, intestine, lymphatic system)
- leave the toxin agents (nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, etc.)
- consuming organic food
- withdrawal of additional sweetener, sugar, salt and oil
- The consumption of natural foods
- The main objective is to rid of toxins in the detox diet but provides the weight loss
- Detox programs are generally administered twice a year (usually in the winter and end of summer)
- Programs implemented including the use of lymph drainage, cryo cabin, salt therapy, colon hydrotherapy, magneto theraphy and skin care techniques. vitamins, minerals, ayurvedic herbs and antioxidants should be taken with diet. detox programs and detox diets should be done in doctor control.
We need to make when applying Detox,
- We have to use natural cleaning products,
- not to use hair dye,
- do not use synthetic products
- should be used glass and porcelain lunch box
- need to ventilate the living area
- not use electronic devices
- recomended to use Aromatherapy